15 Minute Vegan Comfort Food

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Try This Delicious Vegan Chocolate Chilli Recipe from 15 Minute Vegan Comfort Food

21 Nov 2018 |





This is soul food in a bowl. The fiery, fresh, dark and deep flavours marry together to create this indulgent chilli, which tastes like it’s been cooking for hours. For those who are sceptical about the addition of cocoa, you’ll find this dish has a beautifully balanced richness and a satisfyingly dark sauce. - Katy Beskow, 15 Minute Vegan Comfort Food

Serves 4

This chilli freezes perfectly, so whip up a pan, enjoy a portion and pop the rest in the freezer for evenings when you have less than 15 minutes to cook. Also, be sure your chocolate is dairy free.


400g (14oz) can chopped


1 onion, finely sliced

1 red (bell) pepper, deseeded

and sliced

1 stick of celery, roughly chopped

4 tbsp frozen or canned


2 tsp each cocoa powder and

mild chilli powder

1 tsp each soft brown sugar

and smoked paprika

½ tsp ground cinnamon

400g (14oz) can red kidney

beans, drained and rinsed and

400g (14oz) can cannellini

beans, drained and rinsed

1 spring onion (scallion),

roughly chopped

Small handful of fresh coriander

(cilantro), roughly torn

Juice of 1 unwaxed lime

1 square of dark chocolate, grated


Add the chopped tomatoes and onion to a large saucepan over a medium– high heat. Throw in the red pepper, celery and sweetcorn, and cook for 2–3 minutes.

Spoon in the cocoa, chilli powder, sugar, smoked paprika and cinnamon. Stir through the kidney beans and cannellini beans until combined, and cook for 12 minutes, stirring frequently while the chilli bubbles away.

Remove from the heat and scatter with the spring onion, coriander and lime juice. Sprinkle over the dark chocolate just before serving.


15 Minute Vegan: Comfort Food by Katy Beskow is available now from your favourite bookshop and online here